Saturday, May 19, 2012

Week 20

Top & Bottom 5 Day:  SB @6.46 -2.26% >>> GNK @3.04 -22.84%, GLBS @3.75 -24.54%, GPRT @62.37 -26.4%.  Talk about an entire sector being taken to the woodshed.  The best performing shipper in our coverage universe was SB only losing 2.26%.  Shockingly 12 Shippers had double digit losses in value of the 19 covered companies.  This was by far the ugliest week of the year.  We report no alerts this week and if you played Eagle last week you lost around 11% not including costs of buying and selling. 

The Baltic Exchange:  BDI =1141 up 0.26%, BCI =1633 up 1.17%, BPI =1274 down 3.63%, BSI =1108 down 0.35%, BHSI =639 up 8.60%.  Finally we see the Panamax slide slow its rate of decay.  That’s a bit of good news…sort of.

The Fixtures:  Coal =1, Ore =6, T/C =52, Period =6, Bauxite =1 total =66.  The reports showed zero fixtures Thursday so we again cannot read too much into this not having our normal 5 days of data.  I will say this much…ore chores in the single digits…not good…T/C barely breaking 50…not good…
                        Best Done Period vs. spot rates
Capes:  none reported
Pmax:  Tian Baifeng    4-6 MOS       $11,500 vs. $10,101.
Smax:  Oxygen             4-6 MOS       $15,750 vs. $11,562.

The Vessels:  VLOC =0, Capes =10, Post P =3, Kmax =7, Pmax =28, Smax =11,
Hmax =3, Hsize =3, Bulker =1 total =66.  The following Familiar vessels populated the fixture reports; Ocean Shine, Cape Canary, Genco Lorrain. 

The Futures:
                        Capes              Pmax               Smax               Hsize
Index               8,921               10,101             11,562             9,480
CAL13            13,750             10,000             10,000             8,500
CAL14            15,750             11,250             11,250             9,000
CAL15            17,000             12,000             12,000             9,750

Ski Notes:  A special note of thanks goes out to a TMT  regular “ kr”.  Thank you for your contributions to our shipping discussions and your personal comments made to me.
Good Fortunes

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