Why Dry Bits

Why Do Dry Bits?
The world of dry bulk shipping is observed, and reported on 24/7 every day of the year by a plethora of professional analysts and journalist that convey most all earthly and heavenly events into Maritime news.  Why in the world would I attempt something similar (especially on a part time basis, with part time resources) when my work surely cannot compare?  I do it for Ski.

It is my belief that the duties involved in preparing the weekly “dry bits” review has forced me to become a better water transportation investor.  The most positive result is that I have overcome any company specific loyalty, and devote my time and attention towards the goal of being cognizant of the entire sector.  This has not eliminated me having a favorite company, but has allowed me the opportunities afforded from investing across the sector of companies.  The actual pulling of fixture reports, the equities performance numbers, and the Baltic numbers has put me in a closer “feel” with the data and its meanings.  This information is coupled with ample daily maritime news readily supplied via the internet and I feel more comfortable thinking I know what is driving the market, and yes perhaps I try to make a couple dollars with the old Scottrade account. 
Good Fortunes