Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ski's Maritime Economics Review?

Ski’s Maritime Economics Review!
Maybe when we look at some basic metrics we can see how simple earnings interpretations can be. Ask yourself what company did better and how that came to be. The more I look at earnings the less I relish the task! I will attempt to explain what I see in these figures over the weekend. Please feel free to share your opinion.

SB 2010-Q3 EPS @ .33 shares 65.8M operating 15 Vessels.
SB 2009-Q3 EPS @ .41 shares 54.5M operating 13 Vessels.

EGLE 2010-Q3 EPS @.13 shares 62.4M operating 39 Vessels
EGLE 2009-Q3 EPS @ .01 shares 61.9M operating 25 Vessels.

Good Fortunes

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