Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 Dry Bulk Share Price Performance

2010 Dry Bulk
Top to Bottom
Yearly Share Price Performance

Our hats are off to Angel and her faithful shareholders @ NMM. As a professional courtesy our Dry Bulk analyst Boomer James has promised not to remind readers that he predicted the company’s success. That would be bragging. When we are examining share price performance, it may surprise some that DRYS outperformed EXM, NM, DSX, PRGN, BALT, GNK, TBSI & SHIP.

Navios Maritime Partners +31.50%.
Safe Bulkers + 1.14%.
Eagle +0.60%.
Star Bulk -5.31%.
Dry Ships -5.67%.
Excel Maritime -8.60%.
Navios Maritime -12.72%.
Diana -16.98%.
Paragon -24.61%.
Baltic Trading -26.80%.
Genco -35.65%
TBSI -60.54%.
Seanergy -68.60%.
Free Seas reverse split
Ocean Freight reverse split
Globus insufficient data
*The calculations are based on closing prices December 31st 2009.

Good Fortunes

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