Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dry Bits Week 52

Ahoy There!
Please Pardon the relaxed format.  We are not preparing a normal weekly report due to insufficient data.  The alert on TOPS has been rescinded after we hear of 24M loss on sale of yet another bulker.  They (TOPS) may be down to owning only 1 more bulker (Cape) and 6 product tankers.   

GLBS @3.31 (+6.43%), PRGN @0.64 (+3.23%), GPRT @0.67 (+1.21%) >>>

EXM @1.45 (-11.04%), FREE @0.43 (-14%), NEWL @0.46 (-29.23%).

The composition of this week’s Top & Bottom 5 Day is in itself unsettling.  Four of the six companies have share prices in the pennies.  A look at the future of EXM has Boomer James betting they (EXM) become a penny stock during 2012. 

I did see a few fixtures and noticed some particulars like the Navios Pollux will be steaming a transatlantic round on T/C for $25,500 daily.  The Japanese have fixed coal from both USG and Brazil putting on some decent ton miles.   
Good Fortunes 

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