Saturday, January 7, 2012

Dry Bits 2012 Week #1

Ahoy There!

Again we are in Holiday mode with no complete report, yet not to be denied we will call this Week #1.  When we look at the Baltic indices we compare end of week too end of week results when calculating gains or losses.  Since December 23rd 2011 was the last real end of week for the Baltic we used it for the calcs.  The already low BDI dropped another (-22.5%) twenty two and one half percent.  So we are going to skip that part also.

Way to much bad karma starting the new year. 

Top & Bottom:  GLBS @4.30 (+29.91%), SHIP @2.65 (+22.69%), ESEA @2.57 (+9.36%) >>> GPRT @66.5 (-2.24%), NM @3.45 (-2.52%), BALT @4.31 (-9.26%).

The Baltics: 

BDI 1347
BCI 2304
BPI 1537
BSI 1112
BHSI 559

Good Fortunes

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