Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dry Bits Week 3

Top & Bottom 5 Day: Top & Bottom 5 Day: EGLE @$1.21 (+14.15%), FREE @$0.433 (+11.03%), SFL @$11.37 (+10.82%) >>>NM @$3.62 (-3.21%), SHIP @$2.37 (-3.27%), GPRT @$60 (-4.21%). This week’s leader (Eagle) is up ~ 35% since Christmas. That would have made anyone a great Christmas gift. Shares of EGLE traded for 89 cents apiece on December 27th. Last week we alerted ESEA for a short trade consideration and the shares closed the week down -2.85%. Nothing to write home about, we will call the trade FLAT, as in no gain or loss.   If Eagle happens to make the leader board next week, you can bet we will sound the short alarm!
The Baltic Exchange: BDI 862 (-18.14%), BCI 1554 (-9.81%), BPI 1020 (-19.30%) BSI 807 (-16.89%), BHSI 485 (-9.01%). Read these numbers with some sad Eagles song playing in the background. Gives you the blues ya know!
The Fixtures: Ore =16, Coal =13, T/C =76, Period =8, total =113. The ore chores matched last week’s lethargic demand. Volume is off around 40%, and that just kills the capes when the ore chores dry up. The coal runs come in stronger than last week’s very good numbers, leaving us hopeful of apparent increase in average coal demand & ton/miles. We will let you know when that happens.
Best Done Period vs. Spot
Capes: Lake D 4-6 MOS $13,350 vs. $6,805.
Pmax: Kalyipso 4-6 MOS $9,850 vs. $8,438.
Smax: Dimi 36-41 MOS $11,000 vs. $8,969.
The Vessels: VLOC =0, Capes =20, PostP =5, Kmax =9, Pmax =47, Smax =24, Hmax =2, Hsize =2, Bulkers =4, total =113. The following Familiar Vessels populated the fixture reports this week. Star Life, Ocean Spirit, Ocean Gold, Newlead Victoria, Navios Vega, Genco Rhome, Sea Moon, Kalyipso.
Ski Notes: During the week Capesize earnings fell below the Handysize, giving the dry bulk market yet another indication of disaster. Boomer James translates a shipping term for those readers less informed. Kadywhompus : A phenomena that occurs in dry bulk shipping when the larger vessels become cheaper to rent compared to much smaller vessels. So remember, sometimes size matters the most.
Good Fortunes

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