Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dry Bits Week 16

Ahoy There!  Week #16
Top & Bottom 5 Day: 
BALT @4.64 up 13.73%, SBLK @0.94 up 8.05%, EXM @1.75 up 5.42% >>>
DRYS @3.16 down 3.95%, VLCCF @11.84 down 7.57%, FREE @1.39 down 9.15%.
If we could count on BALT to stay lock stepped with the changes in the Baltic Index we might be able to make a play or two.  The big name DRYS being listed among the laggards was a bit of a surprise.  The sector worst performing equity FREE played out exactly as we thought it would giving up almost ten percent while the index gained 10%.

The Baltic Exchange:
BDI =1067 (+9.77%), BCI =1533 (-2.48%), BPI =1487 (+28.41%), BSI =1020 (+8.97%), BHSI =635 (+17.59%).   

The Fixtures:
Ore =15, Coal =7, T/C =82, Period 11, Scrap =1, total =116. 
The ore chores hold par with the 4 week average of 14.5 ore fixtures, but the coal underperformed the average by 20 percent. 
            Best Done Period vs. Spot Rates
Capes:  none reported                                            vs.   $6,627.        
PMax:  Pan Uno                    4-6 MOS   $15,000 vs. $10,835.
SMax:  Toucan Bulker          4-6 MOS  $12,000  vs. $10,374.
HMax:  Marleybone               3-5 MOS  $13,500  vs. $ 8,399.

The Vessels:
VLOC =0, Capes =24, Post P =5, Kmax =15, Pmax =44, Smax =24, Hmax =1,
Hsize =1, Bulkers =2, total =116.
The following “Familiar Vessels” populated the fixture reports this past week.
Ocean Trader, Nord Aquila, Thor Achiever, Akmi, Navios Meridian, Navios Vector, Genco Titus, Grand Clipper, Calipso, Lusitania G, Golden Bull, Clipper Monarch, Torm Atlantic.

The futures:
Capes              Pmax               Supra               H/S
Spot                 6,627              10,835             10,374             8,399
CAL13            14,250             10,250             10,250             8,500
CAL14            15,750             11,500             11,750             9,000              
CAL15            17,000             12,250             12,000             9,750

If we examine CAL13 last month we might get a sense of …? 
Therefore in the last 30 days the change in CAL13 future values are as follows. 
Capes:  gained 5.5%
Pmax:   lost 2.38%
Smax:   lost 4.65%,
Hsize:   unchanged

Ski Notes:
Good Fortunes

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